Regenerative Medicine | Elite Healthcare P.M.
1300 Hospital Dr #220
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
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(843) 483-1482

Regenerative Medicine

If pain has been keeping you from doing the things you love, regenerative medicine offers you an alternative to surgery and medication for a wide array of conditions.

As authorities in regenerative medicine, our team of medical professionals can assist you in overcoming health and mobility challenges to improve your quality of life. Our state-of-the-art clinic takes a non-conventional approach to healing, using the latest in regenerative medical treatments to repair and strengthen your joints, ligaments, and more.

Are you a candidate for regenerative medicine - Come in for your initial consultation and find out.

Call to arrange a time that works for you (843) 483-1482

What is Regenerative Medicine

What is Regenerative Medicine?

Regenerative medicine treatments are designed to heal damaged or aging tissue. Our treatment strategy focuses on repairing and reversing damage as opposed to simply treating symptoms such as pain. Regenerative medicine uses your body’s natural healing power to restore and repair function, thereby reducing your pain and enhancing your quality of life. Our medical professionals use a range of regenerative therapies to treat a long list of conditions, including the following:

  • Back pain
  • Joint pain (shoulders, elbows, hands, wrists, hips, knees, feet, and ankles)
  • Damaged or degraded cartilage
  • Torn ligament
  • Tendonitis
  • Neuropathy
  • Numbness in hands and feet
  • Sciatica
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Disc issues, such as a bulging disc, herniated disc, torn disc, slipped disc, or ruptured disc
  • Bone issues
  • Osteoporosis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Arthritis
  • And more

Regenerative Cell Therapy


Prolotherapy is a non-surgical regenerative treatment that involves a natural “irritant,” which is typically injected into the soft tissue of an injured joint. The purpose of the irritant is to stimulate your body’s natural healing response at the site of an injury causing you pain. By kickstarting your body’s healing response, we can improve the function and structure of the injured tissue, which ultimately leads to pain relief.

Our regenerative medicine specialists often use prolotherapy to treat chronic musculoskeletal issues such as plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, Achilles tendinopathy, and lateral epicondylosis. At Elite Healthcare, we use a combination of several natural substances that trigger an inflammatory response in your body. This can cause mild soreness for a limited time after the injections. Results usually take several weeks, but the majority of patients get great results from this therapy.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) helps speed up your body’s natural healing process. We use PRP to target and repair problem areas such as joints, tendons, and muscle injuries. This treatment will activate the healing response in your body and send other immune system factors to the site of injury. Using the platelet-rich cells found in your own blood, we can kickstart the natural process generated when your body is healing itself, resulting in quicker healing, reduced pain, and better quality of life.

Softwave Therapy

Softwave therapy is a method of treatment that works incredibly well to restore mobility, pain relief, and full-body recovery, usually from chronic pain or injuries. Softwave therapy uses a device emitting low-energy sound waves that target a patient’s injured area. These low-intensity waves boost blood flow and kickstart your body’s natural healing mechanisms, relieving long-term pain and helping your body to heal a wide range of injuries and conditions.

Softwave therapy works very well on bones, tendons, and other soft tissues, which are encouraged to regenerate and repair via acoustic waves. Often, softwave therapy is used in conjunction with other non-invasive treatments like chiropractic care, which we offer at Elite Healthcare Physical Medicine.

The results are often incredible, leaving patients wondering why they never tried Softwave therapy before. With FDA clearance, little-to-no side effects, and quick application time, Softwave therapy is a welcome alternative for people suffering from pain.

Reclaim Your Life Naturally with Regenerative Therapies from Elite Healthcare

If you have been thinking about getting treated with regenerative medicine, call us today at (843) 894-2198. During your initial consultation, our team will work to uncover factors causing your pain and the regenerative therapies needed for lifelong relief.